Where you can use ActionSctipt?

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 10:58 AM

At the time of this writting there are two primary ways to work with ActionSctipt bulding Flash application using Flash authoring (Flash CS3) or bilding flex ActionScript application using Flex builder 2. There is no black and white rule for when or why to use one authoring toolset over the other . Rather, these is a large grey area of overlap between the two. A helpful way to decide which toolset is most appopriate for you is simply to consider what workflow you are more accustomed to using. if you are most comfotable using drawing tools and timelines, then flash cs3 is like the best opction. On the hand flex builder 2 is good for those who feel most comfortable writing code in a roust IDE (integrated development eviroment) and don't feel comfortable withe the animation metaphors used by Flash CS3. With all that said, there is no reason that ActionScript 3.0 is identical regardless of which tooleset you use. we have made an effort to write this blog in such a way that you can use the exmples with either flash CS3 or Flex Builder.

if you are using flex builder 2 (note that we discuss the flex framework in this book ) to creat application using ActionSctipt then you are forced tu use strict object-oriented design, meaning that the main entry point for your application must be a class. ActionScript code on keyframes on a timeline. While this is not inherently wrong. it is troublesome if the goal is to white good code that is maintainable and dheres to best practies. for this reason, in this blog we adocate for the use of a document class if you are using flash cs3 and all the main class in flex builder 2 project. by using a document class you will be learing the most scalable way to write ActionSctipt 3.0 code in flash cs3, and what you lear will easily translate if you use flex Builder 2 at any time.

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