The phrase "ActionScript 3.0" as commonly used, refers to both a programming launguage and the Flash player 9 API, or Application Programing interface. Mastering ActionScript 3.0 the language will let you write programes, but it's the Flash Player API a library of classes and function that are available to all ActionScript 3.0 programs that will let you create programe that yopu can see, that move to the keyboard and mouse, that play video and sound, that connect to the internet, and more. All of the subject matter of the ActionSctipt 3.0 language, the Fash Player 9 api, and related funcationality. The are further divided into chapters, each of which focuses on a single topic.We think this book works frim front to back, but after learning the lauguage in part I, you can jump around as you desire to the topic that you's like to learn about. some topics may require knowedge of preceding chapters, but these are cross-referenved for your benfit.
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