Web Teacher, Web Teacher, ActionScript Teacher

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 7:55 PM

Working with ActionScript Methods and Functions

Now that you know all about creating variables in ActionScript, you probably want to start actually doing something with them. This is where methods and function come in ActionScript. function are reusable block of code that can be defined in your own classes and are frequently used throughout the ActionScript 3.0 API. Flash Teacher & web Teacher

If there’s one thing to remember BOUT ActionScript it’s that every variable and part of a class an object. Functions are no exception. While it might be strange to imagine, function are instance of the function class and contain their own methods and properties. In this chapter, we talk about how function can be used as objects.

Function allows you to organize code into independent pieces of functionality. They can be used to return various results based on input you provide. Perhaps most important, function can encapsulate behaviors and functionality within a class and provide a public interface to that functionality. This chapter covers ways to use functions and create your own from scratch.

The basics of web designing and flash desining

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 11:19 PM

When you are into web/flash design either for a career or as a hobby there are some essential facts that you must remember if you want all of your websites to look great. Web designing and Flash Animation something that is continually changing, but despite those changes you can create many a great flash animated website with a few simple rules. Of course, the rules that you work by may increase as you go or they may change a bit but this is a good starting place. If you can’t work on flash then you have to go for a flash teacher.
Another important element to get web design is HTML. Many web designers mistakenly assume that HTML is simply a page description language. The fact is that HTML is a structural markup language, meaning that you are creating the structure of a document not just creating a layout. Even if you think you understand HTML quite well you will be well served to go back and review some of the basic rules that apply to HTML to be sure that you are not using it wrong. So many web design specialists use HTML in the wrong way and it affects the overall appeal of their web site.
First, always remember that what you see is not what you get when you are designing a website. You cannot design a website and assume that the way you see it is the way that everyone else will see it. How a website appears is dependent upon what web browser you use, and you can bet that not everyone who views you website uses the same web browser as you. Remember with web design that you must keep everyone is mind, not just you and your web browser.
Web design/ flash designig is not the same thing as word processing even if you are putting content on the website. This is a sanity saving rule that you should follow because when you word process you have control over how the page appears. When you put content on a website you have a lot less control over how the content will appear because of differences in computers, computer settings, and web browsers. While you have some control over the layout of the content you simply have to put your faith in the ability of each browser to display your content to the best of its ability.
Along the same vein as using graphics in web design you should also be careful not to use too many gimmicks when you design a web page. While some of the gimmicks are really cool and fun to use, most web browsers would rather that you had a straight forward web set up that would allow them to use the website easily and in their own way. You can use some flashy gimmicks if you must, but remember that more isn’t necessarily better. When it comes to web design, simple is often better. Learn to temper the fun gimmicks with true usability.
It’s also important to remember when you are into web design that graphics are not always better than simple links or content. Graphics can really make your web design pop, but you have to remember that an astonishing number of people simply do not like web graphics and will not utilize them. If you want to use graphics that is fine, but it is important in web design to also build web pages that can be navigated easily, with or without the use of graphics.
Probably the most important rule of web design is to remember that original concept makes a flash web site. You can have all of the flashy gimmicks and graphics that you want on a flash page, but without original, quality content your Flash design will fall flat every time. It seems almost too easy when you look at Flash design in this manner, but it is true. The thing is that most of us make Flash design more difficult and complicated than it needs to be. If you have original content you will find that your Flash design page does quite well and there is no need to add any of the extras to your already successful Flash design. When it comes to web design simple is almost always better.

Graphic Formats

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 10:39 PM

250 Free Business Cards

Although hundreds of clear book formats abide web browsers alone abutment a few of them. This commodity describes the altered clear book formats that are accessible to web designers and aback they should be used.

The clear book formats accurate by best accepted web browsers are Clear Interchange Architecture (GIF), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Portable Network Cartoon (PNG) and agent graphics. Some of the backdrop of clear files are:

* Accuracy – this acreage allows the angel to be capricious degrees of opaqueness from solid to absolutely cellophane (see-through).

* Compression – this acreage allows the angel to be stored in a abundant abate book by application a algebraic algorithm to handle groups of pixels as a distinct item.

* Cobweb – Cobweb allows the angel to be loaded by aboriginal cartoon the odd rows and again activity aback and cartoon the alike rows. It allows the company to see the account sooner.

* Action – Action gives the actualization of movement by application a alternation of alternating still pictures. Activated gifs do not crave a browser constituent and can assignment on about all devices.

* Accelerating loading – Accelerating loading is agnate to cobweb in that it alone endless a allocation of the account initially but is not based on alternating rows and allows the user to see the account quicker.


GIF was originated in the 1980 and was adopted by web designers in the aboriginal 1990s as the adopted clear architecture for web pages. GIF files use a compression algorithm that keeps book sizes baby for fast loading.

They are bound to 256 colors (8 bits) and abutment accuracy and interlaced graphics. It is additionally accessible to actualize activated cartoon application the GIF format. All browsers can affectation GIF files.

GIF Advantages:

* Best broadly accurate clear format.

* Diagrams attending more good in this format.

* Supports transparency.


JPEG files are aeroembolism but abutment “true color” (24 bit) and are the adopted architecture for photographs area angel affection matters. JPEG supports a accelerating architecture that allows for an about actual angel that will advance in affection as the blow of it loads.

Unlike a GIF file, the compression for JPEG files can be controlled by the web designer, which allows for altered levels of account affection and book size. All browsers can affectation GIF files.

JPEG Advantages:

* Large compression allowance beggarly faster download speeds.

* Produces accomplished affection for photographs and circuitous drawings.

* Supports 24-bit color.


PNG is a adequately contempo architecture that was alien as an another to GIF files. PNG supports up to 24 bit color, transparency, cobweb and can authority a abbreviate argument description of the image’s agreeable for use by chase engines.

Unfortunately, best browsers do not abutment PNG and the ones that do abutment it, don’t abutment all of its appearance yet. But that will change in the future.

PNG Advantages:

* Overcomes the 8-bit blush limitation of GIF.

* Allows argument description of the angel for chase agent use.

* Supports transparency.

* Diagrams attending more good than they do in JPEG.

Vector Graphics

Most web cartoon are raster images or bitmaps, which abide of a filigree of black pixels. Cartoon and illustrations should be created as agent cartoon which abide of algebraic descriptions of anniversary aspect that makes up the curve shapes and blush of the image. Agent cartoon are created by cartoon programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Freehand and are the clear artists best for creating drawings. Agent cartoon charge be adapted to either GIF, JPEG OR PNG architecture to be acclimated on a web page.

Which Architecture Should You Use?

A web artist could accept either the GIF or JPEG architecture for best uses. But, back the book admeasurement of a GIF is usually baby than the book admeasurement of a JPEG, best web designers will use the GIF architecture for backgrounds, boxed, frames and any added graphical aspect that attending accomplished application 8-bit color.

Most designers will baddest the JPEG architecture for photographs and illustrations area the compression doesn’t accommodation the beheld affection of the image.

As PNG becomes absolutely accurate by best web browsers, it will apparently alter GIF as the web designer’s best for non-photographic folio elements. However, GIF will still be acclimated for animation.

Bottom Line – GIF and JPEG are universally accurate and the web designer’s best is bent by the clear aspect actuality used.

Where you can use ActionSctipt?

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On at 10:58 AM

At the time of this writting there are two primary ways to work with ActionSctipt bulding Flash application using Flash authoring (Flash CS3) or bilding flex ActionScript application using Flex builder 2. There is no black and white rule for when or why to use one authoring toolset over the other . Rather, these is a large grey area of overlap between the two. A helpful way to decide which toolset is most appopriate for you is simply to consider what workflow you are more accustomed to using. if you are most comfotable using drawing tools and timelines, then flash cs3 is like the best opction. On the hand flex builder 2 is good for those who feel most comfortable writing code in a roust IDE (integrated development eviroment) and don't feel comfortable withe the animation metaphors used by Flash CS3. With all that said, there is no reason that ActionScript 3.0 is identical regardless of which tooleset you use. we have made an effort to write this blog in such a way that you can use the exmples with either flash CS3 or Flex Builder.

if you are using flex builder 2 (note that we discuss the flex framework in this book ) to creat application using ActionSctipt then you are forced tu use strict object-oriented design, meaning that the main entry point for your application must be a class. ActionScript code on keyframes on a timeline. While this is not inherently wrong. it is troublesome if the goal is to white good code that is maintainable and dheres to best practies. for this reason, in this blog we adocate for the use of a document class if you are using flash cs3 and all the main class in flex builder 2 project. by using a document class you will be learing the most scalable way to write ActionSctipt 3.0 code in flash cs3, and what you lear will easily translate if you use flex Builder 2 at any time.

My Contact Number is : 09899960609
My E-mail ID is : designer.techno@gmail.com

Workinh with ActionScript data types.

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 9:49 AM

The starting point in acquirements ActionScript or any added programming accent is to apprentice how to use variables. Variables are abstracts containers, you charge these to be able to accredit to whatever abstracts you appetite to produce, dispense or save in ActionScript. This tutorial will explain what variables are, it will advise you how to actualize and adapt variables and will call the altered abstracts types in ActionScript. Finally, we will analyze Austere Abstracts Typing, a affection alien in Flash MX 2004.

To actualize a fresh abandoned capricious we use the var abettor followed by a name to characterization our variable. The variable's name is alleged its 'identifier'. The identifier of a capricious (i.e. it's name) can alone accommodate letters, numbers, underscores, and the dollar assurance $. It cannot alpha with a cardinal or accommodate any spaces. By convention, a capricious name should not alpha with a basal letter either. The action of creating a fresh abandoned capricious is alleged "variable declaration", and as we said before, this requires application the var operator. Here is a actual basal example:

Variables are called abstracts containers, anniversary of which can authority a distinct allotment of information. We ability appetite to abundance the user's name in our variable, or in a bold situation, use our capricious to save the player's score. Once we actualize a variable, we can anamnesis the abstracts stored central it as abounding times as we wish. In addition, we can adapt this data, amend it, and at some situations, we ability alike be appropriate to annul the capricious completely.

Some programming languages are added austere than others back it comes to afterward syntax and coding rules. For example, the HTML scripting accent is somewhat affectionate back it comes to programming errors. You can accept errors in your antecedent cipher and your web folio will still be arresting in the web browser. However, if you accept formed with FlashR and ActionScript at all, you apperceive that it is far beneath forgiving. Therefore, we charge to be far added accurate back autograph our ActionScript code.

One of the coding rules that you will appointment abounding times back autograph your ActionScript cipher is the use of abstracts types. One abode area you will charge to use abstracts types is back declaring a fresh variable. In a antecedent tutorial, you abstruse the cipher to actualize a fresh variable.

In the aloft cipher from the antecedent tutorial, we accept not declared a abstracts blazon for our fresh variable. We charge to do that. Let's add the abstracts blazon to the aloft cipher now.

As you can see, we aboriginal add a colon to the end of the name we accept accustomed to the variable. We absitively to name the capricious "container". So the colon is placed at the end and the abstracts blazon is added to the appropriate of the colon. In the example, the amount of the capricious is 20 and 20 is a number. Therefore, we charge to acknowledge the Cardinal abstracts type.

There are two added abstracts types, which are the Cord and Boolean.

If we had set the antecedent amount of our alembic capricious to the chat "David", again the abstracts blazon would accept been set to Cord because "David" is a argument cord of letters. We would additionally accept bare to abode citation marks about the argument string. Cord abstracts is the alone blazon of abstracts that requires you to enclose the abstracts amid citation marks.

The third abstracts blazon is Boolean. You would use the Boolean abstracts blazon whenever the amount of the capricious is accurate or false. One acceptable archetype of this is a codicillary statement. We could address a codicillary account that tests if a amount is greater than 10. If the amount is 11, the Boolean will be true. Otherwise, it will be false.

My Contact Number is : 09899960609
My E-mail ID is : designer.techno@gmail.com

How Flash Actionscript Works

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 12:11 PM

The phrase "ActionScript 3.0" as commonly used, refers to both a programming launguage and the Flash player 9 API, or Application Programing interface. Mastering ActionScript 3.0 the language will let you write programes, but it's the Flash Player API a library of classes and function that are available to all ActionScript 3.0 programs that will let you create programe that yopu can see, that move to the keyboard and mouse, that play video and sound, that connect to the internet, and more. All of the subject matter of the ActionSctipt 3.0 language, the Fash Player 9 api, and related funcationality. The are further divided into chapters, each of which focuses on a single topic.

We think this book works frim front to back, but after learning the lauguage in part I, you can jump around as you desire to the topic that you's like to learn about. some topics may require knowedge of preceding chapters, but these are cross-referenved for your benfit.

My Contact Number is : 09899960609

My E-mail ID is : designer.techno@gmail.com

Introduction About Flash action script

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 3:44 AM

Hello , Welcome to My blog , this blog aims to be a comprehensive resource on all thinks Action Sctipr 3.0. you can use it a an instructional text book. Action Script 3.0 is the language used in a range of tool developed by Adobem including Flash cs3, Flex 2 and 3, and Air. This blog’s coverage remains agnostic as to the tool you cgoose to use. It dies not cover topics specific to Flash cs3 or Flex 2, but it does cover the topics. When the various tools handle something differently, we let you know how Accordingly, this is the right blog to help you learn how to program for any of these tools.

Why should read this blog.

If you are interested in developing web page and using application flex bilder or tapping into the powerful programming feature of flash cs3. this blog walks you through actionScript 3.0 From the basics of the language through powerful new advanced features.

If you want to learn the new features of adobe flash cs3 Professional or learn how to use the Flash software. Will it tell you how to set up your flash files or where to find the correct commends and tools. To learn more about this tool, see recommended books in the preceding section.

Tween Animation

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 1:05 AM

Hi, I am a Flash Teacher right now i am doing job in a IT company as a designer and i also teach web designing and flash action scripting

This tutorial could additionally be a tutorial about how to accomplish a chic application accumulation ActionScript and aspect from the library. This simple button will accept two states, over and out. And the alteration amid the two accompaniment will be a fade. So in adjustment to do this we will alpha in the Flash assembly apparatus (Flash CS3).

So aboriginal you will appetite to actualize a fresh symbol, so appropriate bang on your library in Flash CS3 and accept fresh symbol. In the window that will open, name your fresh attribute “simpleButton” and in the bond area bang the consign for ActionScript option. The catchy allotment is next. It will automatically ample the Chic and the Base Chic field. The Chic acreage is ok, what we appetite to change is the Base Chic field. Since we are activity to use ActionScript Tweens for animation, we don’t charge the timeline. So our Base Chic will not be MovieClip, but Sprite. So instead of “flash.display.MovieClip”, address “flash.display.Sprite” in the Base Chic field. Now every affair should be fine, bang “ok”.

Now we are central our simpleButton. We appetite to accomplish 4 layers for this button, so on the timeline actualize 4 layers and rename them like this starting from the lower one: “back”, “Over”, “Label”, “LabelOver”. On the band “back” actualize a rectangle application the cartoon tool. On the band “Over” archetype the antecedent rectangle, but change its color. This blush will be the blush the button changes to aback you cycle over it. Now appropriate bang on the additional rectangle and catechumen it to symbol. On the abutting window, name it whatever you want, but bang the consign for ActionScript option. We will appetite to change the Base Chic to Sprite also, so do as we did earlier. Bang ok to abutting the window. Now bang on the fresh Sprite you created and in the acreage ambassador at the bottom, in the Blush baddest box accept Alpha, and accord it an Alpha of 0%.

We created the aback of the button, now we accept to actualize the label. On the third band “Label”, actualize a activating textfield over the rectangles you created earlier. Accord it an instance name “myLabel”. Accept the chantry you want, accord it a atramentous color, accomplish it not selectable and bury the characters you appetite for that font. Now archetype that textfield at the aforementioned abode but on the band called “LabelOver”, change its instance name to”myLabelOver” and additionally change its blush so that we may see a change aback we cycle over the button. We are now done with what we accept to do application Flash CS3. Basically, we accept a fresh attribute with for layers in it; 2 rectangles and 2 textfields. Now lets do some ActionScript.

Now accomplish a fresh ActionScript 3 certificate and save it as simpleButon.as in the aforementioned binder than your fla file. Here is the cipher you charge to accomplish it work.

About Flash Technology

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Friday, September 4, 2009 at 9:50 AM

Hi, I am a Flash Teacher right now i am doing job in a IT company as a designer and i also teach web designing and flash action scripting

About Flash Technology

Adobe Flash (previously accepted as Macromedia Flash) is a multimedia belvedere originally acquired by Macromedia and currently developed and broadcast by Adobe Systems. Since its addition in 1996, Flash has become a accepted adjustment for abacus action and interactivity to web pages. Flash is frequently acclimated to actualize animation, advertisements, and assorted web folio Flash components, to accommodate video into web pages, and added recently, to advance affluent Internet applications.

Flash can dispense agent and raster graphics, and supports bidirectional alive of audio and video. It contains a scripting accent alleged ActionScript. Severalcomputer application products, systems, and accessories are able to actualize or affectation Flash content, including Adobe Flash Player, which is accessible chargeless for best accepted web browsers, some adaptable phones and for added cyberbanking accessories (using Flash Lite). The Adobe Flash Professional multimedia assembly affairs is acclimated to actualize agreeable for the Adobe Engagement Platform, such as web applications, amateur and movies, and agreeable for adaptable phones and added anchored devices.

Files in the SWF format, commonly alleged "ShockWave Flash" movies, "Flash movies" or "Flash games", usually accept a .swf book addendum and may be an article of a web page, carefully "played" in a standalone Flash Player, or congenital into a Projector, a self-executing Flash cine (with the .exe addendum in Microsoft Windows or .hqx for Macintosh). Flash Video files[spec 1] accept a .flv book addendum and are either acclimated from aural .swf files or played through a flv-aware player, such as VLC, or QuickTime and Windows Media Amateur with alien codecs added.

My Contact Number is : 09899960609

My E-mail ID is : designer.techno@gmail.com

Web Teacher: Web teacher, flash teacher, actionsctipt teacher

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On at 5:53 AM

Hi, I am a Flash Teacher right now i am doing job in a IT company as a designer and i also teach web designing and flash action scripting

What is Computer animation?

Computer action is the art of creating affective images via the use of computers. It is a subfield of computer cartoon and animation. Increasingly it is created by agency of 3D computer graphics, admitting 2D computer cartoon are still broadly acclimated for stylistic, low bandwidth, and faster real-time apprehension needs. Sometimes the ambition of the action is the computer itself, but it sometimes the ambition is addition medium, such as film. It is additionally referred to as CGI (Computer-generated adumbration or computer-generated imaging), abnormally back acclimated in films.

To actualize the apparition of movement, an angel is displayed on the computer awning again bound replaced by a fresh angel that is agnate to the antecedent image, but confused slightly. This address is identical to how the apparition of movement is accomplished with television and motion pictures.

Computer action is about a agenda almsman to the art of stop motion action of 3D models and frame-by-frame action of 2D illustrations. For 3D animations, altar (models) are congenital on the computer adviser (modeled) and 3D abstracts are chic with a basic skeleton. For 2D amount animations, abstracted altar (illustrations) and abstracted cellophane layers are used, with or afterwards a basic skeleton. Again the limbs, eyes, mouth, clothes, etc. of the amount are confused by the animator on key frames. The differences in actualization amid key frames are automatically affected by the computer in a action accepted as tweening or morphing. Finally, the action is rendered.

For 3D animations, all frames charge be rendered afterwards clay is complete. For 2D agent animations, the apprehension action is the key anatomy analogy process, while tweened frames are rendered as needed. For pre-recorded presentations, the rendered frames are transferred to a altered architecture or average such as blur or agenda video. The frames may additionally be rendered in absolute time as they are presented to the end-user audience. Low bandwidth animations transmitted via the internet (e.g. 2D Flash, X3D) generally usecomputer application on the end-users computer to cede in absolute time as an another to alive or pre-loaded aerial bandwidth animations.

3D Magic Factory is an action flat in Austin, Texas.

Character Animation Can Be Easy!

I'm acquisitive that this lens will advice you carve out a claimed avenue from area you are today in agreement of your abilities as a appearance animator to area you appetite to be tomorrow.

Ok, we all know that trying to learn anything is definitely hard, and Character Animation is one of the hardest things you can try to learn because it takes so much time and dedication, but with a little help knowing where to look for help can make all the difference.

Please explore all the resources available and I'll be updating them regularly!

So you want to become a animator?

Where do you start? Should you install and apprentice the newest CGI software? Maybe get yourself an action caster and a assemblage of acicular pencils. Maybe you should shop for a agenda camera and one of those chic puppets, you know,like the one you saw in that cine with the guy who eats all the cheese and his able dog? Then you could breeze lots of photos, upload them to your computer and comedy them aback in a video alteration software. Chances are you're activity to get someplace, accept some fun and absolutely apprentice something, but there's no agreement that article is activity to be appearance animation.

I've created this lens in adjustment to advice you on your adventure of acceptable an animator. I'm acquisitive to accord you some advice and assets on how to get added and apprentice faster, be it through books, acclaimed schools, or aloof watching abundant animations. It's an advancing adventure and analysis is defiantly important to your growth, but so is accepting a bright abstraction of what affectionate of advice is out there, and how to go about accepting it.

My Contact Number is : 09899960609

My E-mail ID is : designer.techno@gmail.com

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 12:04 PM

Hi, I am a Flash Teacher right now i am doing job in a IT company as a designer and i also teach web designing and flash action scripting
With the cardinal of Flash tutorials on this site, starting at basal ancestry can be a little difficult back it's adamantine to alike acquisition the basal ancestry and amount out what to do first. With that in mind, I've put calm a accessible account of categorized amateur Flash tutorials and what they do to advice you body your abject foundation of Flash abilities afore affective on to added complicated projects.

Basic Drawing Tools

Brush Tool: freehand painting tool.

Paint Bucket Tool: fills amid areas with colors or gradients.

Arrow Apparatus and Subselection Tool: lets you move about altar or genitalia of objects.

Oval and Rectangle Tools: demonstrates how to draw and ample predefined shapes.

Pen Tool: draws absolute shapes point-by-point with adjustable agent curves.

My Contact Number is : 09899960609

My E-mail ID is : designer.techno@gmail.com

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 11:40 AM

Hi, I am a Flash Teacher right now i am doing job in a IT company as a designer and i also teach web designing and flash action scripting

Traditional Activity in Flash
While Flash is a good program for easy point-and-click animation, it's an even better program for bringing traditional, hand-drawn frame-by-frame animation into the digital world.
Lip-Synching For Animation: Basic Phonemes
If you want to add actual expression and realistic mouth-movements to your animation, it helps to study how the shape of the mouth changes with each sound. These ten basic phoneme shapes can match almost any sound of speech, in varying degrees of expression--and with the in-between frames moving from one to the other, are remarkably accurate.
Building an Animation-Ready Character from the Ground Up
Whether you draw your 2D animations traditionally or digitally, there are some skills essential to both incarnations of the craft. One is the ability to draw simple but effective animation characters with clean, easy lines and basic shapes.
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Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: Keyframe and In-Between Basics
Rather than working with simple shapes and reusable objects, let's work with the techniques used in cinematic animation: hand-drawing each frame using keyframing and in-betweening techniques to describe progressive motion.
Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: 8-Frame Basic Walk Cycle
The walk cycle is one of the most important animation techniques to master, but you can simplify it a bit in Flash even when drawing each individual frame, whether in whole or in part. This simple stick-figure walk-cycle demonstrates the basic ideas and discusses key concepts of figures in motion.
Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: Detailed Animation Part I
Creating a detailed, full-color character animation using traditional frame-by-frame methods is a long and at times difficult process, even in Flash. For this lesson we're going to take the first step and rough-sketch our basic motion for a simple action, using block shapes representing a character we wish to animate.
Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: Detailed Animation Part II
Now that we've used Flash to create a basic rough-sketched animation of our desired motion, it's time to start layering a little detail on top of it to flesh everything out.
Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: Detailed Animation Part III
Detail is good--but it's even better when it's been retraced and smoothed out for clean line art. For that, we'll need to use the Pen Tool to retrace our animation.
Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: Detailed Animation Part IV
Time to add a little color to our plain world of black and white, and start painting in shades in a process that would normally be done using cels in standard traditional animation. Flash shaves hours of work off of the process.
Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: Detailed Animation Part V
This lesson is where we really start to see the advantage of using Flash for traditional frame-by-frame animation, because we're going to use symbols and various shortcuts and transforming tools to create one eye and then reuse it on each frame.
Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: Detailed Animation Part VI
After animating and detailing a moving human body, let's do something a little different with something less solid: the body's clothing. Animating the clothing simply moving with the body would use the same techniques that we've covered in past lessons, but now we'll add a little twist by causing the clothing to also move with the momentum of the body's motion.
Flash Frame-By-Frame Animation: Detailed Animation Part VII
Instead of using plain solid color, for this Flash lesson let's start using gradients to add another layer of depth and fullness to our animation, before finishing the cycling motion that we started in the last lesson.

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 9:58 AM

Hi, I am a Flash Teacher right now i am doing job in a IT company as a designer and i also teach web designing and flash action scripting

About Webdesigner
Web designers, like any artistic person, can ache from writers block. But because of our work, there are abounding means you can apprentice to accord with the blocks and get unstuck. These six suggestions accept formed for me to get fresh architecture account in the accomplished and will assignment again.

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My E-mail ID is : designer.techno@gmail.com