Introduction About Flash action script

Posted by Aditya Dutta | | Posted On Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 3:44 AM

Hello , Welcome to My blog , this blog aims to be a comprehensive resource on all thinks Action Sctipr 3.0. you can use it a an instructional text book. Action Script 3.0 is the language used in a range of tool developed by Adobem including Flash cs3, Flex 2 and 3, and Air. This blog’s coverage remains agnostic as to the tool you cgoose to use. It dies not cover topics specific to Flash cs3 or Flex 2, but it does cover the topics. When the various tools handle something differently, we let you know how Accordingly, this is the right blog to help you learn how to program for any of these tools.

Why should read this blog.

If you are interested in developing web page and using application flex bilder or tapping into the powerful programming feature of flash cs3. this blog walks you through actionScript 3.0 From the basics of the language through powerful new advanced features.

If you want to learn the new features of adobe flash cs3 Professional or learn how to use the Flash software. Will it tell you how to set up your flash files or where to find the correct commends and tools. To learn more about this tool, see recommended books in the preceding section.


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